Title: Bringing Up Baby
Directed by: Howard Hawkes
Starring: Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant
Year: 1938
Number on the AFI List: 88
Unfortunately I wasn't able to watch this movie in one sitting-I kept getting interrupted! But over the course of three days, I was continually anticipating finishing it. I must say, I naively thought Katharine Hepburn was a dramatic actress and Cary Grant was a dramatic actor, so I was surprised to find them both hysterical, yet sometimes a little annoying, in this movie. Cary Grant as David stole the show from the beginning as the eager straight man who continually found himself in unfortunate circumstances. Katharine Hepburn as Susan admittedly drove me a little crazy at the beginning with her lack of listening (not the actress-the character), and I couldn't believe she continually got away with stealing other people's belongings! I didn't know cars could be easily stolen back then. I also thoroughly enjoyed the addition of the tame leopard, Baby, who loved listening to "I Can't Give You Anything but Love." That created multiple opportunities for misunderstood conflict when David and Susan were searching for Baby towards the end of the film. Quirky and fun, this comedy of errors was entertaining from beginning to end.
Favorite moment: I can't find a clip online, but the initial scene where we discover the leopard loves "I Can't Give You Anything But Love."
Will I watch it again: yes!
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