Title: Singin' in the Rain
Starring: Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds
Directed by: Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly
Number on the AFI List: 5
Year: 1952
The only thing I knew about Singin' in the Rain before last night was that in order for the rain to show up on film, the production team used milk instead of water for the famous "Singin in the Rain" number. So I was kind of surprised there isn't a lot of singing in the rain in this film. It's only one moment. Maybe I'm the only person in existence who didn't know that (fact).
HOWEVER, this movie is a fantastic musical comedy filled with great singing and TAP DANCING (that I ALWAYS love). I consistently enjoy movies about making movies, and this one was no exception. I must say, Lina Lamont, played by Jean Hagen, was my favorite character. Her voice! So funny. The three leads were fantastic dancers and singers; I must say though, Donald O'Connor stole the show with his quirky and hilarious depiction of Cosmo Brown. I also enjoyed the use of "special effects" in this movie; I don't think I've seen any sort of special effects since King Kong! Overall, Singin in the Rain was a funny and charming movie that I will be glad to watch over and over again!
Favorite moment:
Will I watch it again? Yes!
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