Thursday, July 23, 2015

Movie #4: Sunrise, a Song of Two Humans. Or, THERE IS HOPE!

Title: Sunrise, a Song of Two Humans
Director: F.W. Murnau
Starring: George O'Brien and Janet Gaynor
Number on the AFI List: 82 (way too far down the list, in my opinion)
Year: 1927

I'm still trying to figure out how to articulate how beautiful this movie is. From the spectacular cinematography, to the wonderful use of dramatic irony, keen direction, flashbacks, and symbolism throughout...I'm starting to wonder why Hollywood ever needed to create talkies! I don't want to give away too much of the plot. Just know that this is a movie definitely worth watching, the morality expressed is still relevant today, and the acting is superb. What I find most fascinating is you never quite know what genre of film you're watching. Is it a thriller? Drama? Comedy? However, the lack of genre clarity is not distracting and flows easily throughout the film. Also, can we talk about how beautiful Janet Gaynor is AND how much she looks like Amanda Seyfried? Or maybe its Dakota Fanning. 

Favorite Scene: The church scene. And the end. What a pay off! Oh, and the drunk pig. That was a fun moment. 
Least favorite scene: I don't have one.
Will I watch it again: Yes. Every Friday night. 

For your viewing pleasure:

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